Friday, May 6, 2011

The Wild Lion of Ohio

These weeds as they are commonly called are not native to Ohio. From my research these little flowers are three to tweleve inches long. They are known to be from Europe. When you pull them you can see their stocks are hollow. I have seen they are yellow but there is also a flower known as a dandelion seed head. These flowers are known for disturbing lawns and open places that recieve a large amount of sun. These flowers are also used in salads and they can be used for wine. They are also used for herbal remedies.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Reptile 2

They are 4 to 7.25 inches long. The males are kind of brown closer to a tan color. The females are usually gray with wavy lines on it's back. They eat insects and spiders. It's the prey of hawks and snakes. Their young is called hatchlings.

Reptile 1

These snakes feed upon other snakes, rodents, birds, and eggs. Most king snakes have vibrant patterns on them. They have red bands in corals with yellow touching the red. The young are eight to thirteen inches long. The adults are three feet to seven feet. Their young is called hatchlings.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Plant 2

This tree has sharp needles that surround it. The leaves of this tree are stiff, four-sided, and blue-green. The needles are blue, green, short, and pointed. The needles are about half an inch long. The black spruce also has pinecones. The pinecones are black and the seeds are purple-brown. This trees wood is used to build homes. Also used as a Christmas tree. This tree is also used for antiscorbutic beverages and fir rope. Animals such as such as deer, moose, and elk do not feed from this plant. The white-tailed deer will only eat the saplings under starvation. Many birds eat the seeds from this tree. This tree is a major food source for the snow hare in the winter. The red squirrels eat the seeds from the harvested cones. Mice, volves, shrews, and chipmunks also eat the seeds off the grounds. This tree spreads it's seeds to create new young trees. These trees are generally not in quality for thirty years after being planted.

Plant 1

The leaves are long and slightly flattened. They are slivery blue to slivery green. They curve up from the stems and are soft to the touch. The wood from this tree is used for lumber and also used as a Christmas tree. This trees seeds feed squirrels. This tree is also used by porcupines, like to gnaw on the the bark of this tree. This tree also makes a great home for the grouse. This tree spreads it's seeds through the cones.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Insect 2

The young of the mosquito is called pupa. Like all insects the mosquito is divided into three parts(the head,the thorax, and the abdomen), a hard exoskeleton, and six long, jointed legs. They have very veined wings. They have straw-like proboscis and can only eat liquid. Mosquitos feed on large mammals like elk and moose. The Mosquitos are 0.6 inches and they weigh 0.04 grains. The predator of the mosquito is Mosquitofish, guppy, dragonflies, birds, and bats.

Insect 1

The queen of the ants colony begins her life with wings. The small ants have wings. Ants like all insects, have joined legs. They have three body parts called the head, thorax, and the abdomen. They also have antennae and a hard exoskeleton. Ants coloring range from yellow, red, And to black. Some ants have stingers, some of the stingers have acid poison. These stingers are located at the tip of the abdomen. Ants range from 0.08 inches to 1 inch long. Ants young are called larva. They are worm-like with no eyes and no legs. Some queens live for 15 years, some of the workers live up to 7 years. The eat seeds and leaves. They are preyed upon by anteaters.